Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wife's eBay Revenge

lover's knickers and empty condom packet for sale on eBay
lover's knickers and empty condom packet for sale on eBay

A woman who caught her (soon to be ex) husband cheating is selling his lover's underwear and a used condom packet on eBay. After coming home unexpectedly and noticing a suspicious sms she found her husband reluctant to allow her into the bedroom. In the bedroom she found a pair of knickers and an empty condom packet.

» view the eBay page & read the wife’s full story

As the couple hadn’t used condoms for years he needed a fast explanation. ”I dropped my phone down the toilet, I didn't want to put my hands down there and I could't get it out with the toilet brush so I used a condom because I couldn't find any rubber gloves...” is what he came up with. To explain the knickers he explained that he had been a closet transvestite for years and had been meaning to tell her.

The evidence has been posted on eBay with the title: “EMPTY CONDOM PACKET & A PHOTO OF 'THE TART'S' KNICKERS FOUND IN OUR BED AFTER A TWO TIMING LOW LIFE'S AFFAIR.” Bids for these items are now over $11,000 with over 200,000 page views. A flood of supportive comments have been posted to the sellers’ page.

While exposing your husband to world wide ridicule and humiliation like this might seem just a tad extreme; you really have to question the husband’s judgment. If you do have to cheat at least have the sense not to do it in your own home in your own bed. If you must use your own bed, have the sense to remove the incriminating evidence. Furthermore, when you are caught, you might as well admit your crimes. After the ridiculous excuses given, who can blame this woman? Good for her and he deserves all he gets.

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