As the story unfolds in the hit drama Mad Men, we begin to notice that Don Draper has something of a kinky side, even if this is only hinted at. In one episode in series 2, Don and Betty stay in a hotel and Betty dresses in sexy black lingerie prior to making out. Betty Draper is completely vanilla; wearing black undies and suspenders is as kinky as she gets. Despite Betty's attempt to please her husband and perhaps do something to save their ailing marriage, Don can't rise to the occasion and the lovemaking is a flop. Perhaps this explains Don's philandering; Betty, despite being an undeniably hot package is tragically straight and can never satisfy Don's rather more adventurous sexuality.
In season 3 episode 1, Don allows himself to be seduced by an air stewardess. The girl is a bit of an air head and Don assumes a false identity to ensure discretion. After she undresses she says "Your turn." Don replies: "Not yet." Don is enjoying the power relationship; admiring her nudity while remaining clothed and in control. Evidently, Don Draper enjoys playing the dom. In keeping with Mad Men's sophistication and style, the sex which takes place after the pictured scene is left to the viewer's imagination, but we can safely surmise that a good old fashioned spanking is in order before cutting the young lady loose.
In season 4, episode one, the now single Don Draper has been engaging the services of a call girl. During sex he asks her to slap him. "I know what you want" she says. "Harder..." is his reply. Don's masochism is typical of many who are in positions of leadership and control in their careers. Being constantly in control is tiring; assuming a passive and submissive role in a sexual relationship becomes a titillating inversion.The masochism is not so much about enjoying pain but of the gratification that comes with humiliation and submission.
Many take these fetishes to extremes and can't enjoy sex at all unless there is at least some sado-masochistic element involved. However, I doubt we'll see Don Draper dressing up in diapers any time soon; that look just isn't consistent with the Mad Men style. Not even Don Draper could carry that one off. As far as sadomasochism goes, it would seem Don is one of those rare creatures who swings both ways. Which direction he favours most remains to be seen.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
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